Thursday, December 29, 2005

There is much I would like to write even this early in my trip to the Great Northwest, but I don't have much time. Z and sister smelly are antsy to get up to Bellingham and back to the "circus farm," however it might have been renamed the "juggler's spa."

We found Heiney at his divebar and stopped in at his girlfriend's house to feed her cat. They tried on wigs. Everyone was getting along just fine.

Then we went to a sushi bar downtown. I noticed that Z and Heiney were wearing similar outfits. Our conversation turned a tad dark as we drank the dry japanese lagers. Vague threats were made but everyone was still smiling. At the Boxcar Heiney became a liability. He didn't want a ride home but he said did want to come with us to Portland.
I picked up Smelly from the airport, while Z was working. Then we picked up Z from the mall and now I'm blogging in his living room.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas, everyone. Inter alia I received this basketball from me mum.

My family is ultra-progressive. Although my parents divorced 4 or 5 years ago we still spend holidays together. In fact their significant others also spend holidays with us. It's one of my favorite things about my family: there is no awkwardness that can't be overcome. Pictured above: my mom and Butch behind the couch, and my father's girlfriend Aimee on the couch, at my dad's house.
I have enjoyed spending time with these two charming sophisticates. In more than one occasion I've been the only person in a small group not wearing converses. Hip as they may be, I think they're ugly as sin.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Eventhough finals have been over for a week I've kept myself very busy: I have two jobs. In the mornings I guide the felons of Denver County through the arraingment process in courtroom 12T pictured above.

In the evenings I count pennies for rich folks at the firm. I've been staying late lately trying to bill as much as I can before Christmas. This is a picture out of my office window at about 5:30.

The undergrad girls through a party last night. "D," the girl on the right just got back from New Zealand and Fiji. It's summer there she says, and when the moon rises it's big and orange and looks like the sun. I wouldn't mind seeing that for myself someday.

This Christmas Tree display at the Denver County Courthouse is a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution. The 1st clearly states that the government is prohibited from Establishing a religion. The caselaw says the government is prohibited from endorsing one religion over another. Christmas trees endorse Christianity. Conservatives might argue that the Christmas tree isn't nearly as "Christian" as a baby Jesus manger scene. And while I agree that Christmas trees do seem to be more sybolic of a pagan winter celebration, it's hard to ignore the fact that it's called a "Christ-mas" tree. Basically I Christ-tree. It's a symbol of Christianity on display on a public building which suggests that our government endorses Christianity and Jesus and all that, and it should be taken down. Sorry. You like freedom? Then deal with it. After I took this picture I met one of the hottest girls I've ever met in my life. She's a trial attorney at the Public Defenders. It makes me die a little inside knowing that she is completely out of my league.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I would like to apologize to all those that at least semi-regularly check my blog, I've been neglectful. I blame it all on finals. Which I also blame for my gray hair, caffeine addiction and embarassing case of priapism. (Dare you to look that one up.)

This is where it all happens, The Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver. This brand new law building cost the University $90 million. To put that in perspective, the U of A's new Union which is probably 20 times the size cost $60 million.

This is where I workout. Ridiculous isn't it. Pete Coors paid for the workout room himself, and that spire is indeed gold-plated.
Starting from the top and curving around left, here's checkout, slutter and andersen enjoying some Brooklyn style pizza while studying for our Corporations exam in the Law Review office. Just to let you know, if a director has a conflict of interest but gets the decision approved by a committee of indepedent and disinterested directors the decision will still receive the presumption of validity provided by the business judgment rule.

The heirarchy of the law rule is explicitly illustrated on the managing editor's office door. You will find my picture comfortably in the middle.

This is one of the top-ten gayest pictures ever taken of me.

Monday, December 05, 2005

"Check out these echoes!" Part II

I feel sort of talented. It's a new feeling.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Last night Miss Texas called me a "misguided elitist." We were having an argument about who was better: Billy Joel or Bruce Springsteen. Hey, if I'm an elitist because I can recognize the difference between a spirit of our age and a pugnacious narcissist then build me an ivory tower. If I'm misguided because I've spent time exploring the depths of "Nebaraska" and "Ghost of Tom Joad" then buy me a compass. Don't get me wrong, I may know every word to Joel's Greatest Hits 2 and "She's always a woman to me" is a fine tune, but to compare anything Joel wrote to "Born to Run" or "Thunderoad" is like comparing Spam to Foie maybe I am an elitist.

The above argument sparked a series or absurd transitions. In an attempt to jump into our debate about Bruce, Molson unironically starts singing "litte ditty about Jack and Diane..." I almost shat.
Then Ms. Texas says, "no that's not Bruce Springsteen, that's Jon Bon Jovi. I love Jon Bon Jovi"
Then I say "it's not, Bon Jovi. But that guys sucks too." Then Wise-up gets on my case. Who knew he was a closet Bon Jovi fan. This world isn't safe.

It snowed big wet flakes on my ride home.